Style FramesThis sequence portrays a sea dragon, symbolizing the rough acne breakouts, chasing the fish going through it’s skin journey. We see the fish with smooth skin jumping out of the water, outsmarting the dragon who is stuck under the water, trapped by the seaweed. As an avid Curology user, and someone who has struggled with my skin, I created this sequence to show how much Curology saved me and gave me my confidence back.
Style Frames:
Logo Style Frame Ideation:
Ideating the best way to reveal the final logo in the most effective manner was a long process. From using the water itself, to the dragons head, to a splash, they all had changes in hierarchy and value. I eventually landed on showing a part of the dragon itself alongside the fish because of the strong clarity of the logo and how it still continues to tell the story.
Color Studies:
Initial color studies allowed me to test how much contrast I wanted between the dragon, fish, seaweed, and ocean itself.
Initial color studies allowed me to test how much contrast I wanted between the dragon, fish, seaweed, and ocean itself.
Creating multiple variations of each frame ended up allowing me to reach a tighter color palette and style, as well as bring a stronger focal point in each frame.
Creating multiple variations of each frame ended up allowing me to reach a tighter color palette and style, as well as bring a stronger focal point in each frame.